For more than 25 years O.B.Wiik has delivered storage halls for UN organizations like UNCEF, UNHCR and World Food Programme, as well as humanitarian aid organizations like Red Cross, Save the Children and Doctors Without Borders.

32 meters of hall in 60 seconds

When a humanitarian crisis or natural disaster occurs, the humanitarian organizations are in need of a hall that is solid, multi-purpose and quickly assembled. WiikHall NEX is the ideal solution in these circumstances. NEX halls are easily set up without the use of cranes or special equipment. A standard hall is 10 meters wide and is delivered in 4-meter long sections that connect to an infinite length. All tools needed for assembly are provided along with simple instructions, so that even unskilled personnel may set them up.

In the video below you can see a team of six people assemble a 32-meter long NEX hall in just under 3 hours. For the record; the video is speeded up to show the process in 60 seconds. You’ll find an hour-long version that shows the process in detail at the bottom of the article.

Used worldwide

Since WiikHall NEX is set up in increments of 4 meters, it is up to you and your needs to define how long the hall needs to be. The durable aluminum construction is light weight and far easier to use and transport than traditional steel frames. The outer sheet is also delivered in lengths of 4 meters and is just as easy to handle and put together – even in windy conditions.

Inside, you can store just about anything in dry and safe conditions. This combination of functionality, quality and flexibility has made the WiikHall NEX a sought-after solution for NGOs and humanitarian aid organizations. In addition to storage space it is used for schooling, first aid, mechanical repairs, meetings etc.

The WiikHall NEX provides safety, but what organizations value most is the quick response offered by O.B. Wiik. The main storage in Oslo, Norway, is supported by advanced storage spaces in Italy, Spain, Panama, Ghana, Uganda, Kenya, Djibouti and Malaysia so that we can deliver the halls whenever and wherever they are needed.